Logo 9th European Congress on Telepathology - 3rd International Congress on Virtual Microscopy
May, 15th to 17th 2008 Toledo, Spain


(see also Virtual slides General Cytology seminar)

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Case Author Clinical data Virtual slides
1 Dr. José Antúnez. Hospital Clínico Universitario. Santiago de Compostela. Lung mass 13 cm in a 45 female  FNAC performed.

2 Dra. Lidia Atienza. Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar. Cádiz Female, 80 y.o. with a retroareolar cyst in her left breast.

3 Dra. Beatriz Eizaguirre. Hospital de Cruces. Bilbao. Female, 30 y.o. Occipital nodule rapidly growing. FNA was performed. Subsequently, resection, and later exptending margins.

4 Dr. Javier Esquivias. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio. Granada. Male, 64 years old, laryngectomized 10 years earlier, referring haemoptysis. A vascular tumour is observed in bronchoscopy. Hemangioma or vascular malformation are suspected. FNA was performed.

5 Dr. Ernesto García Ureta. Hospital Juan Canalejo. A Coruña. FNA of laterocervical nodule in a patient with long standing goiter. In a previous thyroid FNAB a picture of similar atypical cytologic material was observed..

6 Dra. Pilar González Peramato. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid. Nodule 0.5 cm superficial located between internal quadrants of breast, previously operated of carcioma (upper smear). The same lesion two months later (lower smear). At that time it measured 1 cm.

7 Dr. José Antonio López García-Asenjo. Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid. Laterocervical mass 4 cm with progressive growth in recent months, in a male 21 years of Dominican origin. No other significant clinical data.

8 Dra. Dolores López Presa. Hospital Santa María. Lisboa. Female 68 years old with a history of relapsed cordoma sacrum. FNAC of nodule was performed in the external aspect of her ankle..

9 Dr. Emilio Mayayo Artal. Hospital Universitario Joan XXIIII. Tarragona Five cm nodule in the right upper lobe of the lung, peripheral location, male aged 34, suffering from  acute myeloid leukemia. The patient had coverage for Aspergillus antifungal.

10 Dra. Gloria Muñoz Arias. Hospital de Puerto Real. Cádiz. Women aged 70 who complains of pain in her left flank and abdominal distention..

11 Dra. Belén Lloveras. Instituto Catalán de Oncología. Barcelona. Star shaped nodule in her left breast (superior interquadrants), suspicious for malignancy..

12 Dr. Andrés Pérez Barrios. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid. Intrahepatic nodules near hilium, female 62 years old. FNA was performed from one of these nodules.

13 Dr.Vicente Salinas Martín. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. Liver space occupying lesion in 54-year-old woman with a history of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Gastrectomy 20 years earlier due to "gastric leiomyosarcoma." Alpha-fetoprotein, CEA, CA 15.3, CA19.9, and CA125  were all normal. Serum thyroglobulin undetectable..

14 Dr. Francisco Javier Torres Gómez. Hospital de alta resolución de Utrera. Sevilla. Breast nodule in a women with a history of reductive gastric surgery with loss of 70 kg. The smear (herein presented) was reported as negative for malignancy. The nodule was resected, new lesions appeared near scar.


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9th European Congress on Telepathology and 3rd International Congress on Virtual Microscopy